Peer-reviewed Magazine Papers
4) Amir Darvishi, Wael Badawy “Build a Hardware Accelerator“Circuit Cellar August 2005, pp.24 – 29, Link
3) Wael Badawy, “Principles of verifiable RTL design“, IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine, Vol. 18, Issue 1, January 2002, pp. 26 -27. Link
2) Wael Badawy, “MPEG-4 for Multimedia Streaming” Circuit Cellar, December 2001, pp. 36-40. Link
1) Wael Badawy, “Rapid prototyping of digital systems: a tutorial approach” IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine, Vol. 17, Issue 6 , November 2001, pp. 39 -40. Link