Tag: 272 MHz


Kompresia údajov MRI pomocou 3-D diskrétnej vlnkovej transformácie

Je opísaný nízkoenergetický systém, ktorý možno použiť na kompresiu údajov MRI a na iné lekárske aplikácie. The system uses a low power 3-D DWT processor based on a centralized control unit architecture. The simulation results show the efficiency of the wavelet processor. The prototype processor consumes 0.5 W with total delay of 91.65 ns. The processor operates at a maximum frequency of 272 MHz. The prototype processor uses 16-bit adder, 16-bit Booth multiplier, a 1 kB cache with a maximum of 64-bit data bandwidth. Lower power has been achieved by using low-power building blocks and the minimal number of computational units with high throughput.

Vydaný v:

Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, IEEE (Objem:21 , Problém: 4 )

Wael Badawy, Guoqing Zhang, Mike Talley, Michael Weeks a Magdy Bayoumi, “Kompresia údajov MRI pomocou 3-D diskrétnej vlnkovej transformácie,” Časopis IEEE Engineering in Medical and Biology Magazine, Vol. 21, Problém 4, júl/august 2002, pp. 95-103.