Sensing methods of Dielectrophories from Bulky Instruments to Lab-on-a-chip
Recently, the sensing methods for dielectrophoresis (DEP) have been changed from bulky instruments to lab-on-a-chip. Lab-on-a-chip based the dielectrophoresis phenomenon holds the promise to give biology the advantage of miniaturization for carrying out complex experiments. However, until now, there is an unmet need for lab-on-a-chip to effectively deal with the biological systems at the cell level.
Published in:
Circuits and Systems Magazine, IEEE (Volume:4 , Issue: 3 )
- Page(s):
- 5 – 15
- ISSN :
- 1531-636X
- INSPEC Accession Number:
- 8135939
- DOI:
- 10.1109/MCAS.2004.1337805
- Date of Publication :
- Third Quarter 2004
- Date of Current Version :
- 04 October 2004
- Issue Date :
- Third Quarter 2004
- Sponsored by :
- IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
- Publisher:
Yehya H. Ghallab, and Wael Badawy, “Sensing methods of Dielectrophories from Bulky Instruments to Lab-on-a-chip,” IEEE Circuit and Systems, Vol. 4, Issue 3, 2004
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