Tag: drug administration

An Integrated Platform for Bio-Analysis and Drug Delivery
The advances in the microelectronics fabrication allow the strong appearance of micro-electro-mechanical systems known as MEMS. MEMS enable the fabrication of smaller devices that are manufactured using standard microfabrication techniques similar to the ones that are used to create computer silicon chips. Several MEMS devices including micro-reservoirs, micro-pumps, cantilevers, rotors, channels, valves, sensors, and other structures have been designed, fabricated and tested from using materials that have been demonstrated to be biocompatible. This paper reviews the status of Micro-electronic and MEMS systems that can be used for adaptive drug administration. It presents different components and describes a possible implementation. Finally it presents a prototype that is termed ipill which stands intelligent pill.
Seoud Amer, Wael Badawy, “An Integrated Platform for Bio-Analysis and Drug Delivery,” Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology,, Volume 6, Issue 1, February 2005, pp. 57 – 64.